Postman to Multi-Million Pound Coach | London Daily News (2025)

Introducing Liam James Collins

How this out-of-work actor went from A-list film sets to a postman to co-founder of The Coaching Masters, the multi-million-pound life coaching academy

Based in London, Liam James Collins (aged 33) is the co-founder of the international multi-million-pound life coaching academy The Coaching Masters.

Postman to Multi-Million Pound Coach | London Daily News (1)

Founded in 2019, The Coaching Masters has generated nearly $5million in revenue, has 5,000+ paying members, and over 3,000 app users and has become known as the ‘Netflix of coaching’ thanks to its low monthly membership fee model. Valued at $25million, reporting 100% year-on-year growth, with students from 80+ countries and hundreds of 5* reviews, the online training platform qualifies life coaches and equips them with the knowledge to build their own freedom-based online business.

Joining forces with business partner and life coach Lewis Raymond Taylor, Liam co-founded The Coaching Masters bringing with him years of successful coaching with clients in London. The pair came together with a vision to bring their skills to a wider international audience.

Starting from humble beginnings Liam grew up in a hardworking family from South East London. With a passion for acting Liam trained for three years at The London College of Music and went on to star in many BBC TV dramas including D-Day, an original wartime drama, where he played the lead role. Liam also has many A-list movie productions under his belt including ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ and has worked alongside actors such as Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hardy, Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway and Morgan Freeman. Despite such an impressive CV, Liam started to find work was gradually drying up. With bills to pay Liam became a full-time Royal Mail postman, a temporary solution that lasted two years.

In between all of this, Liam faced horrifying life-changing experiences seeing him caught up in the Borough Market terror attacks and losing his father suddenly to suicide.

Experiencing events that could have so easily led Liam to giving up, instead have given him the drive to help people find their purpose and live their most fulfilling life.

The catalyst for Liam starting the business came when, in a true ‘sliding doors’ moment, Liam delivered a parcel to Tom Hardy’s house. Seeing the actor face-to-face, after being on set with him for months, really hit home about how much his life had changed and that day he quit his job.

However, something had happened during his post rounds that would set the wheels in motion for a business idea that would change Liam’s life. He spent his rounds listening to multiple podcasts about personal development and life coaching. With hours and hours of learning under his belt and his own personal experience of overcoming adversity, Liam started his own one-to-one coaching business in 2017.

With a constant stream of clients, Liam ran his successful coaching business until 2019, when he connected with fellow coach and entrepreneur Lewis Raymond Taylor, via Instagram.

After some online messaging, the pair met up, discovered they shared the same vision, and that same day mapped out what is now known as The Coaching Masters. Their flagship 12-week accreditation course made £17k when it launched, which the pair reinvested back into the business. The second time they launched it, it made £50k, which again was reinvested. They repeated this process and built an ever-growing army of members, many of whom have gone on to launch their own successful businesses.

It was only the year before, in 2018, that Liam tragically lost his father; who was also his best friend. Nine days after being prescribed medication by his doctor over the phone to help him sleep, Liam’s father didn’t go to work as a plumber as planned and instead went to his local train station. Confused and disorientated he stepped out in front of a train and died.

The year previous, in 2017, Liam witnessed terror attacks in London, which left eight dead. After the attackers drove a van into pedestrians on London Bridge, they then launched a knife attack in Borough Market, where Liam lived at the time. Sitting at the window which overlooked Borough Market, Liam and his partner watched in shock and disbelief as people were stabbed outside their front door. Instructed to flee from the area, Liam was unable to return home for the following 10 days as their apartment was considered a crime scene.

Liam says: “I’m a very ordinary guy; I come from very humble beginnings, I’m married, I have a young daughter, and want what a lot of people do – to spend time with my daughter, provide a home for my family and do things I enjoy in life. And I do all these things; except I do them on a scale I could never have fathomed when I was younger.

To have founded a multi-million pound business, that gives me freedom to do what I like, provide a nice life for my family and spend my time doing something that I genuinely love, is just amazing. There have been times over the past 10 years that I could never have imagined that I could have ended up in this position; times when things felt incredibly difficult.

I’d like to inspire ordinary people – every day, regular people – that know they want to do something more. When you can help guide someone to do what they have always wanted to do but never had the chance; that, to me, is magic.”

Featured Photo by Victor Rodriguez on Unsplash

Postman to Multi-Million Pound Coach | London Daily News (2025)


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