Home Internet Overheating | T-Mobile Community (2024)

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  • 29 June 2021

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This is primarily a reference post related overheating. If you want to read my full background, see the link at the bottom.

The Nokia device seems to have an overheating issue. For me that mean things would run fine for a few hours or even days and then suddenly speeds would drop so low it appeared to be completely offline. Even though the ambient temperature in the room was in the 60s and the device itself never felt that warm, adding a couple cooling fans drastically improved air flow throughout the device andcompletely resolved my issues. Here’s a link to the fans I purchased.


You may only need one but since these came as a set I put one beneath the device and the other one on top. This has ensured constant airflow throughout the device and kept my modem from having any issues. I am fairly certain that the tower I am connected to does not support 5G but I have been very happy with my consistent 4G speeds that average around 100 Mbps download and 50 Mbps upload.

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Home Internet Overheating | T-Mobile Community (1)

  • BreBro

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  • 2 years ago 2 February 2022

Thanks for the advice and fan options. I was willing to try anything to be able to keep the T-mobile service, and not go crawling back to my cable internet provider, so I bought the $20 two-fan combo from Amazon and used a stand I got for $2.45 on clearance from Monoprice, that was made to hold an Amazon Echo, but makes a great platform for the Gateway device, and put on fan on top and one on the bottom, with plenty of air space underneath and above.

I did all that on 1/20 and now it’s 2/2, so it’s been nearly two weeks, and Ihaven’t had any internet outages, or slow-downs as I was having before, so I hope this will continue. I don’t know if it’s the fans, or the “working on the nearby tower” that I was told by customer service that is being completed, but I will take all the help I can get.

Home Internet Overheating | T-Mobile Community (2)
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  • KarenLS

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  • 2 years ago 8 February 2022

Just adding in the same problems many have had. High traffic led to a hot Internet device led to internet drops and massive speed dumps (180mbps to 5mbps). I got the usb fans yesterday and my speeds have remained around 150+ speed all day. all this leaves me to wonder why on earth they produced a device with insufficient venting and no fans to begin with?

  • Edmoremilt

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  • 2 years ago 9 March 2022

Looks like I’m getting the overheating errorWAN005 and another one WAN002.Everyone here fixedthe issue with a fan it would appear but I’m confused about my issue.My unit doesn’t feel hot or last more than a 20 or 30 minutesbefore it kicks off line with an error. I have to remove power and that resolves the error only to have it happen again a few minutes later.I have the new 5g model also, not sure if anyone is stillseeingthis issue?

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  • KarenLS

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  • 2 years ago10 March 2022

I can’t speak to your error messages but I can tell you that my device didn’t feel hot on the outside and the air was warm and not hot. I’ve had the fans for a few weeks and had zero issues with my device slowing down or requiring me to unplug/plug-in the device to resolve. If you’ve got like a small fan you can set the router on for a day or two just to see if it works that would be a worthy troubleshooting option before buying the USB fans several of us have purchased. Good luck!

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  • redpiano

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  • 2 years ago23 May 2022

Overheating problem solved. 2 weeks and no more drops. (TMobile, please do something about your hardware, though.)

Home Internet Overheating | T-Mobile Community (3)
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  • Wilkersondavid

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  • 1 year ago20 August 2023

It’s only been a few hours, but I moved the gateway to over an air condition vent and I can feel the difference in the temperature of the gateway. I did a reset with the power button after powering it up from the location move. As of this moment my up load and down loads have doubled. I will keep up dates as how this continues.

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Home Internet Overheating | T-Mobile Community (2024)


Why is my internet overheating? ›

Insufficient cooling, being put in confined spaces, excessive dust, and running at high capacity for a long time are some common causes of an overheating router.

What is the downside of T-Mobile internet? ›

What is the downside of T-Mobile Internet? T-Mobile speeds only go up to 245 Mbps and you may experience the internet slowing down temporarily depending on network congestion.

Does heat affect T-Mobile home internet? ›

Wind: Strong gusts of wind can cause your T-Mobile gateway to sway, potentially interrupting the signal if the antenna isn't pointed directly at the cell tower. Extreme Heat: While less common, excessive heat can interfere with the electronics in your gateway, leading to connection issues.

How to stop Wi-Fi from overheating? ›

Position the internet device to avoid overheating

Do not place the gateway in enclosed areas (such as cabinets or drawers) where the cooling vents are blocked or the flow of air through the ventilation openings is impeded. Do not place the gateway near other heat emitting sources such as: Heat vents. Direct sunlight.

How do I fix my modem from overheating? ›

Place the modem in an elevated location in an open area (not in any closets or cabinets.) Keep the modem in a climate-controlled room. Make sure the modem is not too close to any heaters. Circulate the air around the modem with the fan and periodically clean/remove dust buildup on the outside ventilation of the modem.

Why is T-Mobile Internet so slow now? ›

Slow Internet: On your T-Mobile account, check that you haven't used all of your high-speed data bucket. Refer to Data speeds for more information. If you used 50 GB of data this bill cycle, you're subject to lower network prioritization during times of local congestion.

How fast is 5G home internet? ›

On average, 5G home internet providers typically offer download speeds of 40 – 300 Mbps and upload speeds of 10 – 50 Mbps. These speeds are subject to location and availability.

Does the weather affect T-Mobile Internet? ›

Additionally, snow or ice accumulation on the satellite dish could impact service. Internet signals from T-Mobile Home Internet have a shorter distance to travel and are far less susceptible to service disruptions during bouts of bad weather.

How many people can use T-Mobile Home internet? ›

According to the Nokia gateway manual, up to 64 clients (devices) per SSID, and there are 12 SSIDs, for a total of 768 devices.

Is T-Mobile 5G home internet good for streaming? ›

T-Mobile 5G Home Internet and Home Internet Plus customers receive consistent speeds of at least 25 Mbps and see typical download speeds between 72 – 245 Mbps, which is great speed for streaming video, surfing the web, working from home and most types of online gaming.

Is T-Mobile home internet good for rural areas? ›

Rural coverage and value with no trade-offs.

T-Mobile covers towns like yours and 99% of people in America. We deliver fast, affordable rural internet service and rural phone service on our amazing network—because no one should miss out on our best network yet.

Can excessive heat cause Wi-Fi issues? ›

How It Affects Internet. The main concern with high temperatures is overheating equipment, such as routers and modems. Overheating can cause intermittent connectivity issues or total hardware failure. In regions with intense direct sunlight, solar radiation interferes with satellite signals, causing service disruptions ...

How can I improve my T-Mobile home internet signal? ›

Tips to improve your network
  1. Move your gateway to a location with stronger signal.
  2. Ensure you have a strong Wi-Fi connection.
  3. Limit usage on unnecessary devices.

Why does my router get so hot? ›

One of the primary reasons routers overheat is inadequate ventilation. Routers generate heat during operation, and if they are placed in confined spaces or obstructed by objects, the heat dissipates poorly. As a result, the internal temperature of the router increases, leading to overheating.

Why does internet go out in heat? ›

Overheating can cause intermittent connectivity issues or total hardware failure. In regions with intense direct sunlight, solar radiation interferes with satellite signals, causing service disruptions. During heat waves, many people stay indoors and use the internet more frequently.

Can overheating affect Wi-Fi? ›

An overheated router may cause intermittent and unstable Wi-Fi connections. This means that even when connected, the signal might fluctuate, leading to inconsistency in internet performance.

Should an internet router get hot? ›

A busy router should feel somewhat warm—especially the more expensive ones with faster processors—but it shouldn't be hot enough to fry an egg.


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